Joe’s Revisionist History book “SUBJUGATED” proposes new explanations as to the origins of Homo Sapiens.  The book includes the claim that first edition humans who came out of Africa 70,000 years ago were limited primates, possessing fire, camp dogs, stone tools, pottery, and a bit of language.  These primitive animals were cross bred by Alien explorers who infused Alien DNA into our gene set in order to generate a smarter, trainable species – Homo Sapiens – “Men With Wisdom”.   The dramatic result – the sudden building of civilizations starting around 2,300 B.C.


More, SUBJUGATED teaches that the past operated differently than today, that the speed of atomic level process like light and electron orbiting speeds were many times the current rates, greatly altering life forces.  Here, for your perusal, is chapter 8.



Time & the Speed of Physics: How Much Gets Done Per Second


Nature is relentless and unchangeable, and it is indifferent as to whether its hidden reasons are understandable to man or not.— Galileo


According to this book, we Homo Sapiens exist today in our present form due to three interrelated factors: creation (energy, mass, and light formation), “organic evolution (splintered primate genetics) ... and Alien intervention (in vitro alien genetic implant). Here in Chapter 8, we’ll focus on Creation.


Creation poses three main questions: First, who was the creator and why did the creator trigger creation? Second, how did creation physically unfold once the whole thing got rolling? Third, after the formation of things such as particles, atoms, suns and galaxies, what established life structures?


The who and why of the creator is, of course, unknowable, a claim solely held through belief and/or claims of revelation. And for thousands of years how creation unfolded also remained a mystery, but finally this functional question became fathomable once scientists framed the laws of physics and chemistry, able to envision these laws playing out within the various stages of the “Big Bang.”


The Big Bang is very much a creationist construct. Though the deity figure launching the Big Bang remains anonymous, the idea of a launch by some entity sits at the heart of the Big Bang. Proponents claim that all the potential energy and matter that would become the universe exploded in one instant, super-hot, expanding outward, eventually cooling, forming the universe we see today.


Two men—and their work—“bookend” the mentioned advances in physics and chemistry. First, Isaac Newton and his insights with gravity and light in the 1700’s, and second, Albert Einstein, when he envisioned E=MC2 in 1905. Many, many others contributed along the way, collectively forming a unified view on creation, time, and the speed of light. This understanding of creation, time, and the speed of light might just represent the intellectual pinnacle of Homo Sapiens so far. Consider the following implications of Einstein’s work...


According to Einstein’s reasoning, as a space vessel accelerates away from its liftoff site, time elapsed on the space craft is less as compared to the expenditure of time at the liftoff site. And should the escaping vessel achieve the speed of light, time expenditure actually stops on the vessel, although it continues to flow at the launch site! Einstein imagined this via contemplation; the math equation came later. We will discuss the contemplation phenomenon in the Plato chapter.


And so, applying Einstein’s maxim, if aliens could travel close to lightspeed, they might journey from Earth to their home planet in a week, though the Earth aged, say, 100 years during that time. Time simply indicates an abstract measurement of ”how many atomic cycling (electron orbits) occurred.” In the case of the Alien rocket, only one week’s worth of atomic cycling occurred inside of the Alien bodies, whereas back on earth, 100 years of electron cycling occurred in local cells during the Aliens’ absence.


Indeed, to prove this, relying upon our own humble “human” space program, we have conducted clock experiments, using two clocks. One clock sits on the ground, the other in the space craft. When the space craft returns from its Journey, the clock that traveled shows less time expended than the clock on the ground. Less atomic stuff happened on the space craft then happened on earth, so less “time” elapsed.


Therefore, NASA has empirically proven time relativity, yet it remains the most difficult thing to cope with, as, day-to-day, we only experience “slow-motion time,” with no one coming and going on spacecrafts to illustrate the more significant relativity dynamic. And to make the understanding of time even more difficult, consider this: time is dynamic in yet a second way.


The first way (just described) demonstrates that time—atomic cycles completed—moves slower as an object travels away from another object, but the second time factor claims that overall, time—cycle speed—has been slowing down ever since the Big Bang. Even Einstein did not contemplate this. He assumed atomic processes such as light constant at 186,000 miles per second.


This chapter digs into the implications of time—cycle speeds— slowing ever since the Big Bang. Assuming the theory true, we will suggest how the faster atomic times of yesteryear affected getting stuff done, things such as the formation of solar systems and the evolutionary processes of living organisms.


But first, before getting into Einstein’s physics, please indulge the author and consider my anecdotal, yet telling, time observation. I will use it later to make a point regarding the productivity of time.


In the 1960’s my family moved from the New York area up to Connecticut. It seemed that other than town centers and housing developments, an endless, sprawling forest covered all of Connecticut. Walking through these forests, I encountered vast stone walls built by farmers living there before the Civil War, some 100 years prior to my explorations, mostly farmland, until recently.


Before the Civil War, 90 percent of Connecticut’s land stood clear, endless farms with stone walls bordering fields. After the war, two things happened. First, we discovered that the Mississippi Valley offered deep soil without rocks, so those bent on farming might just as well go west... Second, those who stayed put in Connecticut took jobs in the many hundreds of riverside factories that participated in the industrial revolution. Farms faded.


And in just those 100 years from the end of the Civil War in 1865 to when I moved to Connecticut in 1964, all the forests grew back. But in 1964, the only animal life I ever saw in these great forests comprised squirrels, possums, skunks, and raccoons. One had to visit special fields at dusk to spy deer.


Then an amazing thing happened. In the subsequent 50 years a comprehensive population of animals moved in, including coyotes, bears, moose, bobcats, fisher cats, foxes, mountain lions, turkeys, geese, and wolves. In just 150 years, nature reclaimed its territory.


Experiencing the speed of reclamation, I can only imagine what might have occurred in 1,000 years, or 3,000 years, or in the 4,000 years that have passed since Noah’s flood. And I ponder further, what more could have been achieved back then, assuming time more efficient, allowing much more natural atomic advancement in each solar year than now possible?


With the conceptual table set thus, pondering the power of time to get stuff done based upon atomic cycling speeds, let’s dig deep into the physics of atomic processes slowing down.


We’ll start with Einstein’s breakthrough, E=MC2, which asserts that units of Energy (E) and units of Mass (M) can be exchanged: different forms of the same thing, akin to ice, water, and steam (solid, liquid, gas). But based upon the Law of Conservation, the total of both can never be destroyed or increased (this law is soon challenged below). The C2 parameter, though—the speed of light squared—remains the more interesting topic.


As mentioned, when Einstein envisioned his E=MC2 formula, he assumed the speed of light constant at 186,000 miles per second, with E and M implicitly conserved. But how could this be, considering the extreme condition of no mass existing at the launch, with light speed the only variable able to offset infinite energy?


In the 100 years since Einstein’s breakthrough, many scientists found different ways to measure the speed of light (C), and found it slowing down, though erratically. What can explain this erratic slowdown?


The explanation: units of mass (M) in the universe must be increasing without energy (E) proportionally decreasing, thus instead requiring light (C2) to fall in order to balance off the MC2 side of the E=MC2 equation. In other words, not only can (E) and (M) be exchanged, but so can (C), the speed of light, as mass increases. Contrary to the Law of Conservation, the overall mass + energy sum can increase, as long as light slows. Sacrilegious, but if true, the speed of light suddenly comes into play as an offset to growing mass.


But how is mass growing?


Most agree that mass has grown bit-by-bit ever since the Big Bang. But they assume the proportionate reduction of energy, not light, made this happen.


But in the first moments of creation, with only energy in play, no mass yet existed—no subatomic particles, no atoms, nothing but expanding energy. In this brief setting, energy expansion (E) reached near infinite levels, with no mass (M) whatsoever to balance the equation. Instead, in place of mass (M) as offset, the speed of light (C2) needed to approach infinite speeds to balance the extreme energy (E) levels then in play. Light back then moved at vastly greater (near infinite) speeds than today’s mere 186,000 miles per second.


I consider this “creation launch moment” an a priori (self-evident) proof that the speed of light need not be constant and that it functions relative to the combined quantities of mass and energy ... not just due to objects accelerating away from each other, but also due to the quantity of mass in the universe. The fact that lab data backs this up impresses me even more than a priori. For more, look into Barry Setterfield on YouTube.


Ok, this speaks to the speed of light once traveling incredibly faster, but if there were no mass (M) at first, how did mass form?


Before providing an answer, please realize that since the Big Bang, mass has accumulated in vast proportions, including visible mass (galaxies), and invisible mass (tiny, preatomic particles filling every nook and cranny of the universe, including dark space and the space in which electrons travel while orbiting an atom’s nucleus). Mass (M), today, is everywhere, clogging up space itself. But this still poses the question “How does energy (E) + light (C) become mass (M)?”


On one hand, we know how to turn mass into energy. Burning logs in my fireplace accomplishes this. But how is mass created from energy, the way plants grow using light photons? What exactly creates these tiny mass particles that have come to clog up every imaginable gap in the universe’s fabric?


According to one construct, the generation of mass occurs when energy waves collide, effectively neutralizing speed. This causes the weightless photon particles, no longer moving at the speed of light, to matriculate into mass, and to suddenly possess weight. Something akin to water freezing, a different state of the same entity.


Let’s carry the thought forward. After the Big Bang, energy waves began to collide all over the place (at first with each other), and particles with mass formed. The gravitational and electro-magnetic properties inherent with mass-laden particles allowed them to pull together to form atoms.


After atoms, it was off to the races, and I mean the races, as light and electron particles moved so quickly back then that all of this mass generation, including the formation of galaxies, potentially happened in just a few “solar” days’ time, as per GENESIS.


In the space of what we experience as one solar day, atomic processes operated billions of times faster than they do now, getting a lot more done. The overall efficiency of time (gauging how much gets done per second), therefore, is a function of the speed of underlying atomic processes, which always operate at the current speed of light. When light zoomed, a lot got done. As light slowed, atomic processes slowed, and less got done each year.


But the Big Bang dynamic never stops; time will get slower still. Energy waves continue to collide everywhere. Mass particles form prolifically. More and more, mass saturates space, and the speed of light decays in inverse proportion to the ever-growing level of accumulated mass. None of the components—energy (E), mass (M) or light speed (C)—stays constant. Contrary to what we once thought, the Law of Conservation applies to all three.


But as reported, changes to the speed of light appear erratic. Why? My hypothesis: light speed collapses only after enough particle build- up accumulates to tip the scale. This need for critical mass to trigger the next jump occurs elsewhere in physics.


Water, for example, can only turn into ice or steam after losing or infusing a huge build-up of calories at the zero-degree Celsius and 100-degree Celsius borders. A watched pot never boils; resistance points are how some things—including light, energy and mass—work when changing form.


We next move to the question of how did things work when light and time moved with much more productivity than they do now?


As background, one should know that in referring to light, we really refer to all forms of non-mass radiation such as x-rays, gamma- rays, radio-waves, etc., of which light waves are just one type, the only radiation waves visible to our eyes.


As with ocean waves, radiation waves have an up-and-down motion called amplitude, with each radiation class having its own amplitude shape. For example, each light color has a specific up-and-down amplitude, X-rays have yet another amplitude, radio waves yet another.


But with the ocean, water swells up and down. What about radiation, what stuff goes up and down?

After a few hundred years of scientific bickering, Einstein stepped in and sorted out that light waves consist of particles called photons, which flow up and down at the speed of light. At that speed, the photons have no mass. More so, anything traveling at the speed of light becomes both weightless and timeless. Einstein said so.


Much greater expressions of energy therefore once sat within each atom. Let’s apply this boost in atomic energy to living things.


Humans have around 100 trillion cells, with each cell holding around 100 trillion atoms. That’s 100 trillion cells multiplied by 100 trillion atoms, which equals “a number of atoms in one’s body so vast we cannot fathom it”: 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.


Now take these atoms and boost their atomic speed by 10 and you get one pumped-up living being able to operate at a level we can’t imagine, with internal systems humming, bodies virtually unable to get sick, and slow to age.


These super beings include the first 10 generations of homo sapiens, starting with Adam through Noah, each living for 900 years. These people lived for more than 10 times our current life expectancy! That is why I, at age 65, sit here typing sluggishly. My atoms are tired.


Ok, but what about other plants and animals?


Well, if in today’s slow-motion time, nature could retake Connecticut in 150 years, then a 10-speed advantage would mean that an ancient jungle could reestablish itself in 15 years, not 150. Evolutionary natural selection changes within species might only take a few decades, and some animals, e.g., dinosaurs, could grow to enormous size.


Following the Tower of Babel diaspora of people in 2,300 BC. the Homo Sapiens could quickly morph into the current human races as they relocated around the planet.


Time (physics) back then was very, very different. “Back then,” to reiterate, still required 365 days for Earth to complete one orbit of the sun (solar time), but at the atomic level, 10 times more atomic stuff took place in that year than takes place nowadays (atomic productivity, or how much stuff got done per unit of time).


This leads to a few suppositions regarding Noah’s flood...


The first supposition envisions the amount of pre-flood plant and animal stuff growing within this high-yield hot house. An unimaginable abundance of organic stuff explains the vast stores of coal, oil, and dinosaur bones found today, buried and compressed in mass graveyards by the flood just 4,600 years ago.


The second implication envisions the world’s prolific ability to bounce back from the flood. The speed upon which the plants and animals retook the planet and then splintered into hundreds of sub- species could total many times our current expectation. The scene during GENESIS must have resembled the playback of a time-elapsed video!


The third implication is that higher atomic speeds drove higher plant metabolisms, creating higher levels of oxygen. Noah’s body had fast atoms and his lungs had plenty of oxygen to fuel his cells.

Plus, fourth, being only the 10th generation, Noah’s ancestral line had accumulated far fewer genetic disease mutations then we carry today. There was nothing wrong with him at all!


No wonder he lived so long...


Ok, with all of the above to set the stage, let’s next dig into more detail on the flood and the post-flood time of Noah, but factor in this variable light-and-time optic.


Noah is next!